The book “Daring to Dismantle: Addressing Race and Caste in Betrayal Trauma, is a productive disruption, meaning the process involves radically interrupting patterns of trauma rooted in racialized, medical, workplace, committed relationship, faith-based and societal/systemic, developmental-intergenerational betrayal using a social justice lens involving Dr. Jenkin’s IST of an ISM Paradigm. The response to betrayal as trauma, whether on the part of the one betrayed or on the part of those supporting a healing path of someone betrayed, would need to simultaneously explore dismantling systems of oppression one layer in need of healing at a time. First within our own lives, then in the lives of those we touch. The book shares real life experiences and composites analyzed by trauma theory and practices. VISIT OUR SHOP PAGE AND GET YOUR COPY TODAY!!"
Share the Flame LLC desires to dismantle oppression one layer in need of healing at a time! Contact us today for your customized Consulting-Coaching-Speaking needs! Share the Flame LLC provides consulting-coaching to Black, Brown and Indigenous clientele to support with societal, racial, developmental, relational and workplace, faith based, and sexual betrayal trauma informed and culturally responsive services from a social justice lens.
On the other side of that we provide consulting-coaching-speaking and training services to individuals and organizations who desire to serve Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities well.
Dr. Debi is the consultant for the internationally acclaimed Disparity Trap board game /DEI Workshops. She is listed by "bloomerang" as one of their recommend consultant-speaker-thought leaders for the Nonprofit Sector.
She is listed in the "Directory of Black and Other Global Majority Change Consultants, Coaches, and Academics" on LinkedIn which highlights top social justice professionals and change agents worldwide!Â
Dr. Debi is one of the few trauma coaches listed in Psychology Today! On behalf of Share the Flame LLC, Dr. Debi is listed as a professional development -trainer-speaker of staff and faculty for technical and community colleges and universities.Â
Disclaimer: All resources and services are provided for educational and informational purposes only
"Thank you for presenting at FSOCC! Your presentation changed my life and brought me back to FSOCC and to my family and I really appreciate that."
"People just keep saying how fabulous you are. It was truly an amazing thing to be present and observe the powerful emotions in that room! Dr. Debi, thank YOU for being ready to impact so many lives and careers with your scholarship, your intense joy—and your laughter. So rare."
"Dr. Debi quickly picked up on details and nuances and put together a clear, concise picture of what I was dealing with and used inquiry to lead me to PRACTICAL insights. She is direct, brilliant, loving, and courageous in her delivery. With Dr. Debi, I have a ferocious and zealous advocate who loves me enough to cheer me towards the best version of myself and circumstances."
"Your IST of an ISM work is incredible and has resonated so much with the Black, Brown, Indigenous and other systemically non-dominant (Jenkins, 1995-present) folx we train. Your paradigm challenges white supremacy and reframes critical conversations. Your work has been an essential part of my journey."
"As our speaker, Dr. Debi incorporated powerful personal stories, local anecdotes and held an incredible depth of knowledge. Authentic, inspiring and actionable! Our most outstanding event to date! "
"It was clear that she was thoughtful, mindful and highly tuned in to the objectives we wanted exceeded our expectations, exceptional and remarkable. Dr. Debi’s presence, style and contagious warmth combined with her presentation content and design was AMAZING. Exceptional!"
"I know this work is therapeutic, complex and certainly at the heart of your passion! Your expertise and transferable delivery were ah-mazing! Yes, we will have you back, as we all will Share the Flame!"
"Dr. Jenkins you were incredible when you came to the Port to speak. It resonated with me! I am in Nashville now but still spreading your message and telling people about you. Thank you for being an incredible influencer!"
"I had the distinct honor of having Dr. Debra (Debi) Jenkins, PhD as a guest on the Women Who Soar Sister Chat. Dr. Debi was so phenomenal that I invited her back for a Part 2 discussion. Her DEEP EXPERTISE provided the viewers insight and awareness to systemic racial issues and solutions. She also provided practical tools to help Black and Brown people navigate their responses to adverse encounters. Dr. Debi left us feeling INSPIRED, CHALLENGED, ENLIGHTENED, and EMPOWERED to soar higher. "
"I entered the space today trying to focus my intention on healing and forgiveness. Words cannot properly express my gratitude. You- Dr. Debi, and Christina, created a challenging and healing space for me. You provided clarity, tools, and encouragement that I so needed at this very moment. You are truly a gift! I am honored to have the opportunity to share space with you."
"Inspired. Enlightened. Activated. These are just three adjectives to describe the impact I've personally experienced by having Dr. Debi Jenkins as my coach. From challenging my thinking to helping me realize my goals, her extensive knowledge, insight and skill helped me discover ways to ignite and share my flame! "
"Working with Dr. Jenkins has been so impactful for me personally and professionally. My thinking about my biracial identity has grown more sophisticated through the short time I’ve been working with her. She has been helping me unlock my relationship with my Blackness in a way I have never had access to or a framework for. This allows me to show up as a version of myself that is more authentic to me and my own lived experience in ways that are hopefully less harmful for my Black colleagues and friends. "
"Dr. Debi's coaching leadership has given me the ability to focus better on my professional goals, have patience when leading difficult conversations with others within my community and to be a better problem solver! On a personal growth level she allowed a safe space for me to utilize gratitude, enjoy present moments and to look forward to my next life's ventures!"
"FVRLibraries chose to work with Share the Flame, LLC to develop an Anti-Bias Education Framework to support equitable outcomes in our Children and Family programming. Dr. Debi quickly recognized that, as an organization, we had significant foundational work to do to effectively process and heal from some of our collective experiences around a specific program that received a mix of community support and backlash. Our work with Dr. Debi allowed us to move forward as an organization by giving us the space and guidance to safely work through our missteps, helping to lead us to systemic healing. With Dr. Debi's help, we were able to clarify our intent behind offering programs designed to reflect the needs and aspirations of systemically non-dominant (Jenkins, 2018) communities through work in racial equity, and anti-bias education. The outcome of Dr. Debi’s efforts with us is a well thought out and crafted framework to guide staff in developing Children and Family programs with a firm foundation in Anti-Bias Education at the core."
"Dr. Debi, You were terrific! For such a tough topic, you’re upbeat manner, gracious approach to self-assessment, and warm presence made it a safe and productive place with a practical and hopeful path forward. I want to especially thank you for talking about the lack of processing for white people. Growing up in the South with all relatives from South Carolina, I’ve wondered long and hard how some of my own family could think like they do. I understand now that the old ones- now passed- never had the awareness, ability, or opportunity to process what they saw and heard their whole lives despite the obvious evil of it all. I feel fortunate indeed to be in this place at this time where awareness, education, guidance, and opportunity are available by trailblazers such as yourself. Heartfelt thanks to you for that personal gift and for your vital contribution to our conference."
"Dr. Debi was an excellent coach (one on one with individual members) and consultant (professional development training) for our team. She met us where we were, helped us dive more deeply into our identities and refine our goals. Her JEDI (justice-equity-diversity-inclusion) training session was moving, interpersonal, and interactive. Thank you, Dr. Debi for caring for us, informing us, pressing us, and changing us!"
"Thank you for presenting for us! Our attendees loved the presentation! Here is some feedback on insights gained: an attendee shared in appreciation of Dr. Debi's own anti-oppression research that “I really appreciated the Ist of an Ism model/diagram!” In the reflection below, an attendee stated that they desired to now “overgrow the biases that I have is a new start to change and educate myself on the history [of the United States] and progress to overcome racism.” One attendee commented on the direction planned for their professional work with children and families, “Parent bonding should receive more focus in our care of families and included in prenatal education. [Therefore], it is so important to my work as an IBCLC to be always incorporating ways to stay educated and continue to listen and learn what I can do to dismantle systemic racism.” The following attendee shared a quote of Dr. Debi's that stood out for them most during the presentation, "In order to build equity and resilient spaces in our community we have to begin with ourselves in order to understand and make a change.” Thank you for collaborating with SW WA Healthy Families!!"
"Thank you so much for speaking at our conference! You were insightful and engaging and many people were able to take tangible things back to their communities.  You’re awesome! "
"You were truly amazing, and you rocked it! Interactive, knowledgeable, relationship building, accountability and funny all rolled into one fine presentation! What a fantastic way to end a conference! "
"With humor, wit, knowledge, and grace Dr. Debi inspires me to dig deeper and discover my authentic self. She challenges me to embrace discomfort and conflict as a path to self—actualization. Her coaching sessions balance natural flow and structure, which inspires me to practice (a lot) and make progress towards my goals. "
"Thank you so very much for your work with our board and our entire church. Your professionalism, knowledge, experience, and warmth are bright lights in the world."
"Dr. Debi helped propel our team and division’s equity work forward with the use of the Intercultural Development Inventory. With our team, she was able to help us connect with self-reflections of where we are currently and where we wanted to go, and to help make meaning of that as a group. It was a telling and powerful experience that exposed significant cracks in our foundation and opportunities for repair and trust building. She did not shy away from the feelings in the virtual room, and instead modeled what it looked like to lean into the discomfort to aid in our growth. While the experience at the larger division level wasn’t as intimate, her one-on-one coaching sessions inspired me and many of my teammates to dream big about the work we are doing and hope to do in community—on both a personal and professional level. Any opportunity you have to work with Dr. Debi is a chance you should not pass up! "
"Dr. Debi is a phenomenal speaker and presenter. Her recent keynote on healing at our 1st Annual Innovation Summit felt like a warm hug. She was able to balance humor, engagement, and practical application of knowledge with a very diverse audience. By the end of her talk, I watched faces beam with joy around the room. It was an honor to partner. "
"Thank you for your work and guidance supporting the Foundation for Vancouver Public Schools Strategic Planning Group and the start of our DEI journey at the foundation. You provided valuable tools for us, and we will reach out if there are other opportunities in the future! Thank you!"
"Debi's energy and positive message resonate with her audience. Debi's words and her spirit encourage and support people who hear her to not just listen but actively participate. Debi's knowledge and experience is shared in a way which moves people to a place of action and empathy for themselves and for those around them. Listening to Debi speak and serving the group, I saw engaged people who could relate! Spending time with Debi is truly transformative!"
Share the Flame LLC is a Black Owned Organization
Share the Flame LLC is a member of the U.S. Black Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
Share the Flame LLC is a member of the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce
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