Equity work "is an intersectional approach to cultural and systems change. It is about acknowledging and dismantling inequitable systems and practices within an organization so that everyone has the opportunities and resources necessary to thrive rather than survive (Chan, 2023)."


"We desire to partner with you through social justice trauma supportive insight, to ignite and inspire you towards dismantling oppression one layer in need of healing at a time!"


We support clientele like YOU! 

Whether the word YOU represents:


  • a nonprofit, faithbased, corporate, government, or academic organization in need of customized services including social justice cultural trauma informed systems change, leadership development, and growth support for team members, and or to come alongside an internal coaching team
  • an individual, group, or organization who desires to prevent traumatization to those who are Black, Brown, and Indigenous
  • an individual in need of trauma supportive personal and executive developmental life coaching at the intersections
  • a couple in need of support after sexual betrayal and infidelity
  • a partner sexually betrayed in a committed relationship in need of an individual trauma supportive coach and or confidential trauma support group or culturally responsive support during a full therapeutic disclosure process
  • an individual or group who identifies as Black, Brown, Indigenous  experiencing cultural trauma and oppression inclusive of racialized trauma and betrayal on  historical, intergenerational, institutional persistent and interpersonal levels (Menakem, 2017)
  • a desire for a coach who is also a cultural trauma responsive brainspotting practitioner (scroll to the bottom of the page for more information)
  • a counselor or therapist or coach in need of culturally informed and responsive trauma supportive insight to improve how you show up effectively with your own diverse clientele 
  • a counselor, therapist or coach who has diverse clientele experiencing sexually betrayal and will be participating in full therapeutic disclosure in need of a culturally responsive lens throughout the process


"We desire to insight.ignite.inspire.your flame towards post traumatic growth, development, and change!" 

 Please review the distinction that Share the Flame LLC™ makes between what we do in the context of trauma supportive coaching services and what clinicians do in the context of trauma specific treatment at the bottom of this page!


Choose from the consulting-coaching-speaking options below that aligns best with your needs.


Coaching services are conducted virtually. All other services can be in person or virtual.


    Scroll down to check out about our

"Dismantle to Heal Collectives"


  Dr. Debi's upcoming participation as special guest at the "Unlearning and Addressing Anti-Blackness, White Supremacy & Racism in American Culture and Institutions Leaders Fellowship"

September 11th, 2024 through April 30th, 2025

and as a...

Presenter at "The 9th Annual Black Mental Health Symposium"

September 5th-6th, 2024

(Scroll to see information below)



What is Betrayal as Trauma? 

Dr. Debi says, "No matter how trauma shows up it can and will show out within us and outside of us whether the betrayal as trauma happens on racial, sexual, societal, institutional, or relational levels each can impact us one layer at a time or all at once! Therefore, we each should ask and then explore, "How and when is betrayal as trauma happening inside and outside of me and what am I going to do about it to heal (Jenkins, 2016, 2023)?"
Betrayal as "trauma occurs when the people or institutions on which a person depends for survival significantly violate that person's trust or well-being (Freyd, 2021)."
Betrayal as "trauma is a reaction of our bodies, minds, and emotions to a deeply distressing event. The earth-shattering incident changes the way we see people in our world and unravels our sense of safety. We can't go back. We can't erase what happened to us. Who we are and how we live significantly shift. The event happens suddenly and changes us without warning, causing us to feel shock, denial, agony, terror, or helplessness (Keffer, 2018)."
Share the Flame LLC supports those experiencing betrayal within the context of "cultural trauma is an overwhelming and often ongoing physical or psychological assault or stressor perpetuated by an oppressive dominant group on the culture of a group of people sharing a specific shared identity/affiliation (e.g., race/ethnicity, nationality, religion) (Evans-Campbell, 2008; Kohn and Reddy, 2006; Stamm et al., 2004)."
We at Share the Flame LLC agree with the words of Thomas Hubl that "brilliance happens when you are alone, healing happens in a collective." We can partner with you to "dismantle the oppression of trauma, one layer in need of healing at a time" whether you discover your healing brilliance in individual coaching sessions and or within one of our Insight.Ignite.Inspire healing collectives.
For partners who are Black, Brown and Indigenous who experience sexual betrayal we also offer culturally trauma informed and responsive support during a full disclosure process.
Why a focus on trauma supportive services in coaching?
The International Coaching Federation of which Dr. Debi is a credentialed member and social justice trauma coach, asserts that, "according to Gallup research, seven out of ten people worldwide report that they are struggling or suffering. Traumatic experiences often leave lasting effects and while the coaching profession is not to be confused with clinical therapy, research is informing how coaches can support individuals who have experienced traumatic events."


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Systems  Change 


(services provided for organizations and their members)

We focus with a social justice trauma systems change approach 
Our systems change approach seeks to align with the definition of abolitionism, "to eradicate and replace harmful systems rather than incrementally reforming them." 
Share the Flame LLC™ partners within Nonprofit (including Faith-based), Corporate, Government, and Academic organizations addressing what is preventing effective systems change.  Through sparking insightful social justice trauma supportive systems development, Share the Flame LLC™ partners to ignite growth, inspire a shared vision to extinguish resistance to social justice trauma informed systems change on organizational levels. 
Organizational External Executive Consulting
Share the Flame LLC customizes social justice developmental leadership and member retention and growth practices. Customization is inclusive of sole external or partnered consulting work with an already existing internal coaching team to advance "psychological climate skills and [developmental] methods within a trauma responsive and trauma informed lens. Implementation on one-on-one [and or group] level supports growth towards becoming anti-ism and culturally responsive co-workers, team members, managers, board members or C-Suite leaders at the intersections of those they come along side. These skills are typically applied to a specific present-moment work-related issue(s)...in a way that enable(s) the client to incorporate effectively into [their] [current workspace] repertoire (Peltier)."


Somatic Collective L.E.A.D Racial Equity Team Coaching

Organizations can provide at all levels of the organization space the financial support for Share the Flame LLC to provide equity informed somatic trauma support for the Black, Brown, and Indigenous bodies in their workspaces to process oppression including racialized trauma and minoritization at the intersections in enclaved collectives. On the other side of that, have those who desire to provide support and prevent retraumatization to explore in enclaved experiences their own systemic power and privilege including in the context of race.


Holistic Systems Change Consulting 

In our partnering with organizations, the organization provides financial resources for Share the Flame LLC to identify which systems are trauma producing, then customize to disrupt and interrogate systemically oppressive learning, behavior, relationships within these climates then creatively support to shift the organization and its members towards systems change with the goal of becoming nonperformative.
Services may include:
  • Promote restorative- transformational- collective healing justice inclusive of somatic practices which can lead to deeper layers of processing which can create movement towards sustainable accountability and repair of traumatization and harm.
  • Create developmental integration of anti-oppression frameworks within system practices on professional and organizational levels.
  • Incorporate justice integrative practices and principles that create and cultivate movement towards anti-racism, anti-oppressive, anti-exclusionary, and anti-biased organizational climates.
  • Explore how to incorporate an ongoing integration of and accountability to nonperformative anti-racism, anti-oppression decision- making, messaging, policy creation, and implementation.
Set up a No Cost Discovery Session to see how Share the Flame LLC™ can work with you and your organization!
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Personal-Professional Coaching 

(coaching services for individuals and couples)

Share the Flame LLC™ partners to creatively Ignite individuals on personal/professional levels and supports them to unite their strengths at the intersections through a coaching trauma supportive lens (from the present to your future) in the following areas:
Coping Skills
Family Conflict
Life Coaching
Racial Identity
Relationship Issues
Self Esteem
An integrative trauma-informed, trauma-responsive, and trauma-somatic coaching framework is how Dr. Debi bridges her support within the areas of coaching she implements. These frameworks access the limbic system which is the emotion center of the brain and is responsible for the freeze, flight and fight sensations that come up for us.
The processing of trauma you move through may involve culturally sensitive and responsive coaching inclusive of the following:


Integrative Approaches


Internal Family Systems (IFS)


Interpersonal Approaches


Mindfulness-Based (MBAT-RC)


Narrative Approaches


Person-Centered Approaches


Positive Psychology


Somatic Experiencing (Levine)


Foundations in Cultural Somatic Abolitionism (Menakem)


Brainspotting (Grand).Dr. Debi incorporates various developmental "insights to ignite and inspire you towards dismantling oppression one layer in need of healing at a time." If you would like to find out more about Brainspotting then please scroll to the bottom of this page and view Dr. David Grand's protege' Tracy Gantlin-Monroy, my Brainspotting trainer provide a demonstration of the process.


Coachees may...  
Explore mind, body, heart, soul, and spirit processing of trauma to identify a need for radical love such as "extending to yourself the grace, compassion and forgiveness you deserve inclusive of radical selfcare (a focus on your own needs), radical collective care (how to support those you love without losing you), and radical communal care (finding, embracing and contributing to reciprocal love)". 

Developmental Life Coaching

Coachees may individually and or collectively:
Explore at the intersections how trauma impacts and influences your life choices, learning, behavior, and relationships while exploring how you can shift and create movement towards transcending and post traumatic growth.
You may process life shifts as trauma depending on how your life is impacted regarding attachment, visions, dreams, desires, career, education, workplace, day to day lived experiences, and or relationships. 


Relational/Institutional/Faith-Based Betrayal Trauma Coaching 

Coachees may:
Explore the area of trauma betrayal (relational, institutional, societal) that aligns with your lived experiences and how that shows up within each area. 


Racialized Trauma-Minoritization Coaching/Cultural Betrayal Trauma Coaching

Coachees may individually: 
Explore how oppression inclusive of racialized trauma- minoritization impacts behavior, learning, and environments in your life if you identify as Black, Brown, and Indigenous and how it shows up at the intersections within your workplaces, your relationships and society.
On the other side of this Dr. Debi has those of you who identify as "systemically dominant (Jenkins 1995-Present)" to intentionally process "white body supremacy, antiblackness, and racialized hierarchy (Resmaa Menakem, 2017)." 

Sexual Betrayal Trauma Coaching

Coachees may individually in one-one sessions and or in insight.ignite.inspire™ collectives:
For those experiencing relationship trauma specific to sexual betrayal in a current or former committed relationship, Dr. Debi is a Certified Partner Coach Candidate of APSATS (Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists) and is an Empathy Coach Candidate of ERCEM (The Early Recovery Couples Empathy Model).
Dr. Debi has been trained in the following methods which contribute to her ability to support a healing space specifically for betrayed partners:  The Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model (MPTM-Steffens), Full Therapeutic Disclosure Guide (Drake and Caudill), Betrayed Families: Support for Children and Families (Eldens) and in ERCEM: The Early Recovery Couples Empathy Model (Juergensen-Sheets) and MBAT-RC: Mindfulness Based Addiction Trauma Recovery Coach (Ford) which can all support betrayed partners movement towards post traumatic growth.
Schedule a No Cost Discovery Session and learn more how Share the Flame LLC™ can support your coaching needs!
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(for organizations and events)

Share the Flame LLC™ desires to inspire your organization and or event higher. Dr. Debi is a nationally and internationally recognized thought leader-speaker incorporating social justice customized trauma supportive, trauma responsive and trauma informed:
  • Transformational Ted Talks
  •  Motivational keynotes
  • Interactive workshops and presentations
  • Thought provoking  storytelling
  • Compelling panelist participation
  • Constructive informing 
  • Empowering commencement speeches
  • Collective call to equity as action  
  • Insightful podcast interviews
Want to book Dr. Debi? Make an appointment for a "No Cost Discovery Session" to discuss your speaking needs!
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Share The Flame LLC™ makes a distinction between what we do in the context of trauma support services and what clinicians do in the context of trauma-specific-treatment.

  • Share The Flame LLC™ honors your past; however, we provide coaching support through inquiry to explore what is happening in the present then support the client towards an empowered solution forward focus built on "the client's own anticipation of an improvement in personal and professional development (Passmore and Sinclair, 2020)"; whereas clinicians work from a thorough exploration of one's past towards what is needed to be in one's now while "being primarily problem focused.. through  counseling/therapy sessions (Passmore and Sinclair, 2020)".  Both coaches and clinicians focus on establishing what can create a container for safety and trust for the client. Passmore and Sinclair (2020) also name the following additional bridges that exist between coaching and therapy:
    • " both are  concerned about the relationship,"
    • " both recognize the need for engagement or client commitment,"
    • " both rely on the practitioner's self-awareness to facilitate change," 
    •    both desire "to keep the conversation moving forward".
  • Share The Flame LLC's™ coaching-consulting-speaking options are not clinical nor medical therapy (clinical and medical therapy are defined as time spent with what the field calls, a mental health therapist).
  • Share The Flame LLC™ desires to emphasize that a clinician, coach, educator, etc. all can become trauma responsive and become a trauma informed practitioner; however, only a mental health clinician can do trauma- specific treatment.
  • Share The Flame LLC™ is aware that many clients find our trauma support to be therapeutic; however, not in a medical therapy sense instead, seeing it as an attempt to improve a human condition.
  • Share The Flame LLC™ understands that clinical and coaching terminology to describe trauma support has casually been used at times interchangeably within some psychological circles; however, scholarly research in the field of psychology clearly distinguishes support amongst trauma responsiveness, trauma informed and trauma- specific- treatment:
    • Trauma Responsiveness: We, here at Share the Flame LLC™ explore the effects of trauma on learning, behavior, and developing relationships. We do this through a trauma informed lens. 
    • Trauma Informed Lens: We, here at Share the Flame LLC™ is to support through an awareness of the presence of trauma and to recognize how trauma affects individuals-groups-organizations from a sociocultural, sociopolitical and sociohistorical context through institutional, structural and organizational culture, systems, and practices.
    • Trauma-Specific-Treatment refers to clinical interventions, diagnosis and treatment of symptoms or syndromes related to trauma. We here at Share the Flame LLC™ are not clinicians and do not diagnose or treat symptoms.
  • Share The Flame LLC™ recommends that if you are having issues with trauma that require a diagnosis and medical intervention, then please first acquire assistance through clinical support and intervention from a trauma- specific treatment clinician such as a licensed counselor, psychotherapist, psychologist, and or psychiatrist.